Tuesday, May 01, 2007


It seems like ages since I last updated this. Sorry folks...

My last post was a bit of a rant so I suppose I haven't filled you in on anything since the last few exbibitions.

After I last left an update the weather suddenly got really nice. Over the last month I've been trying to squeeze in some gardening, indulging the cat in spending lots of time out of doors and generally trying not to look so white! One lovely saturday Hannah came over with Jack and Oscar and we went over to see Nathan Laura and Emma. Emma will be my bridesmaid and Jack my page boy so it's a great excuse for them to get to know each other, and Hannah and Laura have always got on well.

The baby Ozzy (Oscar)

The cutie Emma

The cheekyboy Jack

Me holding Ozzy - he's grown loads and he's a right lump now!

It was a lovely day, folled by a picnic in the Nath and Laura's garden, which had been turned into a Wacky Warehouse with ball pools and more toys than you can imagine!

After Natural Trade Show Brighton and Vitality in London I had a couple of weeks and then another one. I was so exhausted by the friday before that I felt like crying, and that is not an exaggeration!

Me Jack and Chris met the next morning (Sat 14th April) at 8am in the car park and set off. Jack plugged in his MP3 and we listened to music all the way to London. It was kind of fun, travelling in the van with my two favourite boys from BioCare. Both are young fathers, both very kind and honest, Chris has the dryest sense of humour and Jack is just plain cheeky. We all got on great.

We set up the stand, with Katie from Nomadic's help, god love her. She turned up and got our stand put up, showing us all the bits and helping us get round a few problems. We got the stand up as you can see! First picture is Jack and Chris, second is of me and Chris in the opening seconds waiting for the crowds to get round.

The third picture shows what the exhibition looked like from above.

After 3 days we managed to just about fill the van - can you believe how full it is?!

As Jack said - there wasn't room in there for a fag packet after we'd finished!

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