Thursday, August 24, 2006

More pictures from the wedding

The happy couple and their bridesmaid - aah!

They tried to drag us out there but
they ended up being the centre of
attention for their first dance - nowhere
to hide guys!

When I was 16 Dan wrote in my leaving book: 'to my cross british, spanish kuwaity etc friend have a nice life, enjoy your exams and live to be 99 years old. Love always and loads of luck.' bless him.

If you want to see a bit more about Richmond but can't be bothered then click here:
By far the most exciting part is Richmond's theatre which is the oldest woring theatre in the land. Established by Samuel Butler back in the 18th century we went on a tour. We walked on the stage, got to see under the stage where the trapdoors are and saw the stalls - exactly like on Blackadder the Third!!!

Dan and Rachel's wedding

This last weekend was a nice long one. We had Friday and Monday off so it was a bit of a luxury, and for a change me and Alex were actually going somewhere! woohoo! Fran and Les had their instructions and were looking after the cat for 3 days, it really helps that Fran is so soft on cats and it also really helps that Pads is quite a friendly cat! If she were a bit of a monster I don't suppose we'd ever be able to go anywhere! Anyway, We followed Cat and Ben through Birmingham onto the M6 where we lost them (that bit was the scariest part of the drive - I still say we'd have been better off staying on the M42 coming from our end, grumble grumble...). We stopped for sandwiches - yes already! - it took us ages to get to Tamworth which is barely outside of Birmingham and we were already ravenous! Btw, we used our juicer for the first time and had a healthy breakfast, we made strawberry and banana yum! Anyway we headed north along the M42, the A42, M1 and finally got to Richmond after over 4 and a half hours. I'd say it was worth it, was gorgeous! The dales surrounded us, Richmond is a quaint Georgian market town, and we had a lovely weekend.

This picture shows you the view from the breakfast room which had floor to ceiling windows, if you can imagine it - it took the breath away. A photo doesn't do it justice. To see it for real book a weekend with the lovely Ralph who'l serve cooked breakfasts and where you'll get a great night's sleep, it's a great b&B!

The main reason we were there was for Daniel's wedding. Mine and Al's friend Ben was going to be best man and me Dan and Ben all went to Blue Coat School together for 7 years. My how we've grown! (To see how Blue Coat has changed click on: )The wedding was at a beautiful little church just outside of Richmond, then we went to the bride's family's farm where the reception was held in a marquee. There were chickens about! Us city folk were dead impressed!

The Summer Party

I should catch up. Have been so busy that the blog has suffered so sorry. (Not sorry to 'memyselfandI' who I am sure won't have missed any entries, but completely love 'anonymous' for defending the blog so valiently! Thanks anon!)

Anyhoo, Just before the big party my employer BioCare organised a fun summer party for everyone and we all turned up to brave the dodgy weather and dress up like plonkers! The theme was a beach party, so what better than to dress all-hawaian?! Oh the fun! We got into 3 groups and played silly games. I was in the Hula Honey's, which won best dressed team (not much competition, mind!) and we came second overall. We played a game of treasure hunt - at which we were atrocious! Then we had a go at rounders - I hit a ball! Finally we had a go at team games which was hilarious.

Pues os debo mas explicaciones de mi vida, solo que he estado tan ocupada que ha sido dificil encontrar el tiempo.

Hace un par de semanas que BioCare organizo una fiesta para sus empleados para celebrar el verano. Nos disfrazamos como hawaianos locos y jugamos como ninos. Hubo una barbacoa y bebidas y al final juzgaron que mi equipo 'las hulas chulas' gano el premio de ser mejor disfrazado y tambien ganamos premio de segunda posicion. Y pensando que ganaron el equipo del jefe James con 2 puntos mas que nosotros no hicimos mal! El estuvo en las fuerzas armadas que quizas les dio una ventaja en el primer desafio, llamado tesoro escondido...!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The last picture is of the morning after the night before, after they'd upened their many presents. Mum still can't believe it happened I think, and I hope everyone else had a good time because I know I did!


Tiet and Tieta are home now, the bar might have recovered from being attacked by so many old fogeys, and the world moves on. But I'm very glad to have brought so many people together. As happens when you bring people together with disparate backgrounds, and different interests, even different languages; they get on like a house on fire!

The big surprise

Tiet and Tieta came for lunch last sunday which was wonderful, we all had a drink, then we went for a walk along the canal so I could show them around. I made dinner; roast pork with honey and potato and pea mash with gravy, then we had apricot cake for pudding with custard. I wanted them to have something quite english and we eat in the garden because the weather held up just about and it was still warm.

On August 13th it was my parents' 30th wedding anniversary and the last few weeks have been the big build up. Unfortunately it was Nathan's stag do so Alex had to go off and have a fun time there, so everyone asked me 'where's Alex?' 'when do I get to meet Alex?' etc...
Anyway, I met auntie Pru in town and we went for lunch at Etna's, where I got into an argy-bargy exchange with an insolent waitor... Anyway, I decorated the bar and waited for the guests to arrive, in the end we had about 25 guests, friends and family.

Here are a few photos of the night. We had a buffet, champagne and a cake, but the best bit was mum and dad's faces! I've never seen dad speechless for so long... And mum's shriek nearly lifted the roof - bearing in mind it was a spire that's quite an achievement!