Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Sorry, I'm sorry I'm so sorry....
I'm rubbish, ok? Agreed? right...

My weeks are as follows:
Monday nights- Body attack
Tuesday nights - Nutrition course
Wednesday nights - 7-8 Church, 9-10 Al's football training
Thursday nights - FREE NIGHT (woohoo, what that means is ironing, cooking etc)
Friday nights - Yoga
In between I fit in homework, restoration work and overtime.
By the way, ta da: Anyone up for a spot of bat box building?

Last of all, the big wedding date will be announced tomorrow - hold onto your hats folks!


Anonymous said...

Whhaaaaaa....?! haha

Anonymous said...

Announce the BIG date!!!

Anonymous said...

Make sure you post the Date on your blog first have a free night tonight so no excuses!

Unknown said...

We will be at the church for 7pm tonight, when I get back we should have a date - unless anything else has gone awry... fingers crossed!

Luis said...


Where's the daaaaaaaaaaate!

I need to go and buy myself a haaaaaaaaaaaaaaat! :D
