Saturday, September 18, 2010


Well I say, it's been a bit of a while since I last updated but it's been a busy old time and we've had lots of fun. So here we go.

I got back from Gemma Pardo's wedding and 2 weeks later we went to Bath for the wedding of my old uni flat mate Hannah and her lovely fiancee Jonathan. Theirs has been a real love story and it was a huge pleasure to see them get hitched. The wedding was entirely them, thit is to say it felt completely unique to them. Jonathan lives in Bath which is where Hannah and her two boys have now moved to and the wedding was in a beautiful little church in Upper Swainswick, overlooking Bath and the beautiful surrounding countryside. (Click for a link to this beautiful little church).

The ceremony was done very sensitively by a lovely priest (Valerie Howes) who proved that a church wedding can be joyful, glorious and all without thrusting religion down everyone's throats.

The bride had been brought up the steep hill from Bath in one of the groom's 'fleet' of 6 ancient, semi-decrepit Citroens, and after the photos and the obligatory confetti attack of the happy couple they drove away with a bang back down the hill in the direction of Bath and Jonathan's house. All the congregation followed and congregated again in the open plan setting of the Reeves' new home where Jonathan's nephew and his friends were very professionally dolling out canapes and seemingly endless glasses of champaign. Everyone milled, mingled, and munched until the ushers carried out another of their duties and began to sweep us all out out of the house and towards the little village hall. Myself and Alex walked with the bride and groom and Jack and Oscar (the real best men) to help steer the boys in a roughly straight line and away from the park amid calls of 'Can we go play mummy...?

Hannah, looked an absolutely stunning bride, and all the more for at least appearing sunny and relaxed even while juggling her guests, sons and a dozen other considerations. Jonathan was exactly himself, in a suit, happy, relaxed, floppy haired and delighted with his bride.

Click here for Wedding photos
Laughing at the Best Man's speech

Myself and my friend Sam had travelled up the evening before and we'd helped prepare the village hall and then made the most of the evening by visiting Bath. We'd taken in the sights and eaten out and it was really good. Alex, poor love, had had to work and he joined us at the University halls of residence where we'd elected to stay, literally 15 minutes before we were due to go to the church. The hall was light and airy and quite cute, we all sat down to a curry and then Jonathan endured a ribbing to end all others by his Best Man. The speech was lengthy, but I was too busy laughing to count how long it went on for.

After the puddings came the music and the dancing and it was midnight before were turfed out, somewhat worse the wear thanks to a free bar.

It was an emotional, but beautiful day

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