Wednesday, September 09, 2009

The job search

Yesterday was the 11th, that's officially 1 month since I walked out of the Leukaemia CARe offices for the last time. In the 2 weeks since returning from holiday I've signed up with agencies, fielded incoming calls about prospective jobs, put my cv on Monster, been to a jobs fair, been to an interview at Birmingham university, gone to the jobcentre, and searched online for a job for hundreds of hours. The interview went well and the panel advised me to apply for other similar roles but crucially I didn't get it. On the plus side I'm well on top of the housework... I've re-potted the mint and the rosemary, last thursday was washday and I did a handwash too, and I'm about to start a marathon ironing fest. I miss human contact by the friday but theatre on thursday night and the gym with Nathan on tuesday keeps me sane. Or sane-ish. But I hate not earning. And I hate knowing that means I'm not contributing. It'll come come good in the end I'm sure...


Lau said...

Don't rush it! Something will come up, I'm sure!

Stay sane (if that adjective can ever be applied to you, that is)!!!!

Don't Feed The Pixies said...

Don't get me started on agencies!!!!!

Don't turn your back on them - keep phoning them every day and they still probably won't be much use.

Same with online jobsites. I had an email today from Reed offering me a Sous Chef job or £100 if i knew anyone who could...

Get in touch Jamie Oliver, your country needs you