Thursday, May 25, 2006

Last day at Bright

Well the day came and I said my goodbyes to the company that has been my second home for nearly a year. Aaah... It was a lovely day really, i had lunch at the pub next door with a group of the girls, and David who joined us, and then they cornered me at the end of the day and gave me some chocolates, a BEAUTIFUL bunch of flowers and my very own leaving book and card. It was great! Thanks guys...

Pues llego el ultimo dia en Bright, y dije mi ultima adios a los companeros y a la oficina que ha llegado a ser mi segunda base durante casi un ano. Pues era un dia muy bonito, inesperadamente. Fuimos a un bar del lado a tomar una bebida y comer un sandwich, eramos seis de las chicas y el senor David, que tiene 74 anos y es nuestro caballero!
Al final del dia, me sorprendieron con un ramo de flores, una caja de chocolates (la cual esta ya media comida!) y una targeta. Tambien me dieron un libro de despedida, es tradicional dar uno a cualquier empleado que deja la compania y es precioso. Cada persona pone un recado acompanado con dibujos, poemas, o burlas, la mayoria encontrados por el internet. Es una buena memoria de mi tiempo alli. Gracias chicos!

Cara, Associate Director, calm under pressure.

Michelle, Consumer PR queen

Ruthie, buddie and poet

David, the gent, likes his cornish pasties

Ritch, music mad

Rowena, new girl
Amanda, bride to be
Leona, mountain climber

Ruth Nolan, bless her!

Claire and her new phone

Katharine and Amanda, fun loving chics

Ian, the Director, running away from the camera, the wimp!

Honey and Nicky, Bright's stars of administration - we would be in trouble without them!


Anonymous said...

Hello Gem

Best of luck in the new job, hope it goes well and you get used to all those lie ins from only having to travel round the corner. If you want a good laugh check out and look for a band called The JPs... Might tell you who this was from xxx

Luis said...

First day of your new life! :))))

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

Anonymous said...

What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.