Well! Hot off the press, I'd like to present the mystery blogger. The mystery blogger wasn't some mysterious spy who flikered through the pages of my blog, taunting me with clues, it wasn't a stranger, or a scary person, or the bad guy out of Scooby Doo.
It was....

Ta da!
Unmasked finally!
He revealed himself to be my uncle Ramon!
I'm so glad it was you!
I was beginning to think I'd need to call in that new special crime squad...!
Pues el hombre misterioso del blog, finalmente esta revelado...
Es mi tiet Ramon!!!
Phew! Gracias a dios que eres tu, tiet!
Ha ha!
La verdad "estaba" ahi fuera...
Oh, not fair... an entire post dedicated to my dad? Not fair!!! I want a minute of fame too... ^_^
Hehehehe... sorry, couldn't resist it.
Ah!!!!!!!el misterio sorpreesa se ha revelado. Ramón,nos tuviste intrigados,eh? Te lo pasas pipa ahora, ¡a que sí! Nosotros tambien!
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