I am very excited to hear thatI have a third pregnant friend! My lovely buddy Alisa who I lived with in Sevilla, is expecting a baby with her fiancee Craig and I'm chuffed to bits for them. So expect lots more baby news! What with Hannah and Ruth already getting bigger bumps, I'm expecting life to be awash with baby news over the next few months, and that's not forgetting the ever gorgeous Jack and Emma! Unfortunately Alisa lives in America so I really am going to have to follow this story in virtual reality, but hey, thank goodness for the internet!

Secondly, and I'm exceedingly proud of this, after handing in my notice and accepting the job at Lantra, I was offered an even better position at
BioCare which I am very excited about. It is a long term position, and it's walking distance from my house which is good news for everybody! Pads is going to be happy as she'll get a morning run probably! Keep your fingers crossed for me please!
Tengo mas noticias de bebes! Mi amiga buena Alisa, quien conoci en Sevilla cuando compartimos un piso durante seis meses excellentes, esta embarazada. Ella es mi tercera amiga esperando un bebe, asi que esperad muchas mas noticias de bebes! Y esto no cuenta con las historias de mis queridos Jack y Emma. Tristemente Alisa es Americana y vive alli, asi que tendre que seguir su historia con muchos emails, gracias a dios por el internet y los blogs, no?Mi segunda noticia tambien me da mucha alegria. Despues de la oferta de un puesto de trabajo con Lantra, tambien recibi una oferta de trabajo en una compania casi al lado de mi casa! Se llama BioCare y es un puesto dentro del departamento de marketing. Ademas de darme mas dinerillo me da la oportunidad de caminar al trabajo, algo que no he podido hacer desde que trabaje en la peluquerria cuando tenia 15 anitos! Deseame suerte por favor!
Well, well, well... more babies coming, uh?! So when's your time, darling????? :)))))
Congrats for the job offers. See? Siempre sale el sol, you always need to be positive, it works!!!! Hope you get whatever is best for you... and walking distance? That'd be sooooo cool!!!!! Congratulations again, sweetie.
p.d. I know, i know... i owe you a long email and i also know i've been saying that for like a month now, but i don't know what happens with time... it simply flies! Still, i'm sure i'll find a minute (an hour?) to write to you. Promise.
Don't worry about it my sweet, and thank you for the messages of support! xxx
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