Nathan's night last night was for his 30th which is on Tuesday. It was a great laugh. Laura, his wife made demon salsa, Nathan made rocket fuel punch and I seem to remember dancing the Twist! Alex is in bed still, sleeping it off. I only woke up because the cat got in my face miaowing for food..! We got back at 4am, Al and me Claire and Dave being the last up (Laura had gone to bed already and the other guests had made their various ways home). When we walked home Dave and Claire were talking about going somewhere for a dance... such a fun night!

I had really resigned myself to the fact that I wouldn't make it over but it looks like I'll be going with my parents as Alex is working. That's the thing with him working for an exam board, anything in July is usually out. Still, I'll take lots of photos for him to see.
Felicidades Gemma y Fran; que aproveches de los meses entre ahora y tu gran dia. Aunque sean locos y llenos de pasan rapidamente son especiales. Si necesitas qualquier cosa llamame por Skype, vale?
Finalmente ayer fue el 60 aniversario de mi tieta Teresa. Ella acaba de pasar unos dias en Madrid con su primer nieto Eric; me gustaria haber estado alli por verles... debe estar orgullosisima! Bueno tieta, muchisimos besos desde Inglaterra; siempre estas en mi corazon x
there are certain times that its almost impossible to get holidays from work. july and Christmas seem to be amongst them.
You should persuade the exams people to let him work from home so he can take a laptop?
Surely there's a rota of who gets what when to ensure fairness?
A spanish wedding eh? Have a great time
Proud of you making such an effort at losing weight!The key is finding what is the natural weight for your body, not too high not too low!!and then MAINTAIN IT!!Well done!
Thanks for putting the photo of our cousin Gemma P.She looks great! A shame Alex won't be able to join us....
Keep up your exercise! I'm trying to do the same...
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