There was Gok Wang strutting his stuff and thousands of Brummies on three floors of the bullring getting carried away by it all! And I mean thousands... Or maybe hundreds making the noise of thousands; you judge!
So anyway I found myself quite in a motivated and chirpy mood on Friday night. The swim that lunchtime meant I felt perky and Al had been at home on his day off while I'd been at work so I didn't have to feel guilty about leaving the cat alone and in the dark... aw!
A few phone calls later I found myself on the train heading to Coventry and minutes later I was sat with Lisa and Danielle munching fajitas in Old Orleans. We were off to see ultimate chick flick Valentine's Day.
It was scrummy. Soo romantic and soppy and indulgent; like a big fat wedge of chocolate fudge cake for the senses (other than taste, and smell obviously)
When rage compels one character to bludgeon the big Valentine's heart into a pulp - I think most women have experienced a moment in the single life that they can relate to that moment - what fun!
And Julia Roberts... I'll say this: class, but not what you'd expect
So ok it might be drivel, but it was good nonetheless :)
But Valentine's day for real is not like in the films, is it? With both our 30th birthdays, the wedding anniversary and my mum's significant birthday looming (not to mention pancake day, woo hoo) we could have been forgiven for forgetting all about St Valentine's day. Well, ok, as I expected we sort of did... While my parents hunted high and low for the cards they had hidden for each other and then took a stroll in the park together me and my beloved went to church and football separately.
That said, on the Saturday night we spent a lovely evening in together. Alex cooked us a steak, we had a couple of glasses of pretty decent red wine, stuck on some classical music and lit a candle. We even indulged in pudding. For a few hours life slowed down.
In the morning life was pretty hectic as a normal Sunday is for us... but when he came back from football (covered in mud and with a new sporting injury) he presented me with a bunch of flowers in exchange for the card I'd given him. He was particularly with the goal he'd scored and I'd enjoyed church and seeing Pauline as it was Parade service. And at the end of the day, life isn't just about the romance of one day; it's about the cuddles every day and the fact that even when we irritate each other there's always a laugh to be had. I'm not Ms Roberts and he's not Ashton Kutcher, but in our way we celebrated Valentine's day and it was lovely!
i agree - romance is for every day not just special occasions: but this year things have been pretty hard going, so i knew i wanted to make a special effort. I guess sometimes making the extra effort for a particular day IS romance? As well as doing things we both like (which bizarely includes going round showhomes) you have to do things you dont want to from time to time (like watch Grease...)
Anyway - we went to our favourite restauraunt, but i didn't know it when i booked: they had a set menu that would have fed an army of horses. Still full now
Must be love if you're prepared to watch Grease ;)
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