Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Thought this was ace!

This summer do you want to be
a whale or a mermaid?

Las ballenas están siempre rodeadas de amigos (delfines, leones marinos, humanos curiosos) Tienen una vida sexual muy activa, se embarazan y tienen ballenitas de lo más tiernas a las que amamantan. Se lo pasan bomba con los delfines poniéndose moradas de camarones. Juegan y nadan, surcando los mares, conociendo lugares tan maravillosos como La Patagonia, el mar de Barens o los arrecifes de coral de la Polinesia. Las ballenas cantan muy bien y hasta graban CD's. Son impresionantes y casi no tienen más depredador que los humanos. Son queridas, defendidas y admiradas por casi todo el mundo.
Whales are forever surrounded by friends (dolphins, sea lions, curious humans). They have a very active sex life, they get pregnant and have very adoring babies. They swim and play through the seas, getting to know wonderful places like Patagonia and Polinesia. They sing very well and have even been known to record CD's. They almost have no natural predator except human kind. They are loved, defended and admired by nearly the whole world.

Las sirenas no existen. Y si existieran harían cola en las consultas de los psicoanalistas porque tendrían un grave problema de personalidad: "¿mujer o pescado? No tienen vida sexual porque matan a los hombres que se acercan a ellas, además, ¿por dónde? Así que tampoco pueden tener hijos. Son bonitas, es verdad, pero solitarias y tristes, además ¿quién querría acercarse a una chica que huele pescadería?
Mermaids don't exist. And even if they did they'd be in the queue for a therapist because of the "woman/fish" coundrum. They have no sex life because they have a habit of of killing the men that come near them. And anyway, how would that work? So they also can't have kids. They are pretty, true but lonely and sad, and anyway, who'd want to go near a girl stinking of fish?

Yo lo tengo claro, quiero ser ballena.
I'm decided. I want to be a whale.

Con el tiempo ganamos peso porque al acumular tanta información en la cabeza, cuando ya no hay más sitio, se reparte por el resto del cuerpo, así que no estamos gordas, somos tremendamente cultas.
Over time we gain weight because we accumulate so much information in our brains that, when there's no more room, it spreads over the rest of our body. So we're not fat, we're just incredibly knowledgable.


Lau said...

Hey! I've sent this to you! Glad you liked it... i found it just great.


Anonymous said...

I am speechless. Whales? Mermaids? No way! No smelly fish mermaid! They are cute, mischivous, playful and downwright femenine!!!
Nada de oler a pescado!Las sirenas son encantadoras, traviesas, jugetonas y más que nada femeninas!
Me gustan más las sirenas.


Anonymous said...

grins.....I definitely want to be a whale. How on earth are meramids supposed to keep their hair soft and silky with all the sea water it gets soaked in?

And according to the last part of your post, I must be SO intelligent.

Sign me up for MENSA!!!!

Clare xx

Lau said...

I totally agree with Clare (hi Clare! Btw, i'm laura, gem's cousin from Spain, hehehehe)... that's why i sent this to you Gem, i found it soooooo... encouraging!!!! Anyway, i definitely want to be a whale!!!!

I'm so intelligent, heeheh.

Love you honey!

ps. Mermaids stink of fish!!!!!

Anonymous said...

*waves to Laura - nice to meet you! Erm.....tries to use that store of 'intelligence' to remember my basic Spanish....hola! como estas?

Clare x