Alex and I went to visit our friends the Gallaghers the other day. There's three of them now, Phil Ruth and George. 'Mazing how people keep multiplying these days! Isn't he a cutie? And note their garden, it's all Phil's handiwork. My god that man's got green fingers. He could put a walking stick in the ground and it would grow (our neighbour Hannah has a tree in her garden that she swears was once a walking stick!)
News update on our wedding, 5th April in case you hadn't heard, is we have a venue, a church, a dress and now a photographer! Ruth, pictured here, has at last consented to do a few 'semi official' photos for us. No three hour photo shoot mind you, can't be doing with all that hanging on involved with weddings. After all you're there for the day not the photos, aren't you?!
Speaking of weddings... I was a bridesmaid! Got almost no good photos so this post is a bit of a failure! Anyway it was my lovely uncle and his beautiful bride Angela. Was chuffed to bits to be asked a year ago - thought I was past it! And it was in the fab town of Portsmouth, by the sea. We got there last friday and enjoyed the one break in the rain that we've had in what seems like forever! Look at it, isn't it beautiful?!
That's England, can you believe!? Anyway we went for a long walk around the city, sampling the delights of the various pubs. There's the Wellington, which if you ask me looked lovely. I'm basing this on the fact that there was a dog in the corner and a bunch of locals in the other. And when a gentleman tried to buy a bag of crisps so he could get change the barlady insisted that she just change the pound coin for him for free. Lovely stuff. We trotted around old Portsmouth too, found a cool bar called The American. Then we went off for some food at a french sounding restaurant, very posh and very yummy!
After this brief holiday we had THE WEDDING..!
All very lovely, big dress, chandeliers, the works. Unfortunately the rain came to stay and gone were the beautiful sun drenched views of the sea, which is why the indoor photos were taken. I ask you, in JUNE! But at least the
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