Sunday, October 08, 2006

Technical Hitch

My digital camera has thrown a wobbly and I've had to send it back to the shop, via my parents in Coventry, so I can't put any pictures on here for a while, sorry! Thank you mum and dad!

Have just been to see Alex play football, his team is a bunch of lovely lads. They drew 2-2 with this team called Water Orton United. I wouldn't say this other team cheated exactly, but there were so many hand balls I did start to wonder if they were actually playing rugby rather than 'the beautiful game'... On the plus side Alex scored!

Next time I go I'll have my camera and I'll get some shots of my boys here for you all to see.

Mi camera no funciona muy bien y he tenido que enviarlo a la tienda donde mis padres lo compraron, asi que no podre anadir fotos al blog pa un ratillo... Perdona! Gracias mum y dad!


Luis said...

Excuses... excuses...


Luis said...

Btw, it's tuesday today, soooooo...




Anonymous said...

Don't forget to get to the church early tonight...I'm eager to hear the date.