Anyway, before the big building work begins on the buildings we have to re-home the bats because they are an endangered species. So this morning we invited the local community to build bat boxes! Bat boxes, from what I can see are rather like bird houses, and there are instructions on how to build them on that website above. As with all these things you never know how big a success to expect; I always prepare myself for worst case scenario (I wore heels so that under no circumstance could I be forced to climb a tree to knock one of these boxes up!!!). In fact about 60 people turned up, all different ages, sizes and I suspect very few were familliar with knocking nails into wood. Still we followed instructions and had a great time. Tea and biscuits were on tap fortunately and in under two hours we'd constructed 50 boxes!!! I made 2!!!! I used to hate woodworking at school, but I loved it this time. If aggression was required the knock the nail in I just remembered my old PE teacher...! Here are the photos of my efforts:
My first bat box!

My TWO boxes!

Me getting friendly with my hammer!

Finally, a well-meaning and industrious volunteer has not only signed his box for posterity but he's put a contact number on! Maybe the bats can call him to say thank you!

Pues este manana fue estrano pero muy interesante. Construi 2 cajas para murcielagos. El murcielago es una especie bajo proteccion, y hasta hoy han vivido en los edificios que ahora queremos restaurar. En fin, Eramos unos 60 voluntarios esta manana, ninos, padres, abuelos, personas de cualquier tipo y origen, y constuimos 50 cajas para los vecinos murcielagos! Yo construi DOS, y en la escuela odiaba clases de construccion o madera... Fue un gran exito!
fab pics - we should use these ones !!!! Better than the ones on the camera. You so enjoyed yourself with that hammer.P
very therapeutic...
Hmmmmm...lets hope PE teachers aren't computer literate enough to read blogs! hehe Good idea though i remember one special PE teacher i cud recall whenever I need help guting a fish!!! God what was that little old guys name?! xx
Mr Cook...... (What can I say.. I have a good memory for useless bits of information)
God I hope he's not reading this...!
Mr. Cook... he should be a cook or a cooking teacher, not a PE teacher!
Gem, have you phoned Clive? ;)
Mr Cook!!! Ergh! Thats the git :D Thanks mate xxx
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