Saturday, October 28, 2006

The dress

A couple of weeks ago, as you know, I went shopping with Uncle David and his fiancee Angela for the bridesmaid dress I'm going to wear for their wedding next summer. I'd love to put a picture of it on here but as you know my camera is broken. But as we trawled the shops of Birmingham we ended up in a few bridal shops in order to find a suitable dress for Angela's cousin, their younger bridesmaid Vanessa. And being surrounded by so many wedding dresses got me in the mood... Here's a picture of me taken on my phone of one wedding dress that I couldn't help but try on! Couldn't walk in it though.

Sabes que hace un par de semanas fui de compras para un vestido para la boda de mi tio - yo sera una de dos amas de boda. Pues estaba rodeada por vestidos de boda, claro, y esto es una foto de un vestido en particular que me atrayo. Bueno, me pareci dificil andar llevandolo pero bueno, te da una impresion...


Anonymous said...

Historical picture,the first of many bride dresses you'll try on. Wonderful!

Anonymous said...

You look beautiful in that dress. You look beautiful all of the time.

Unknown said...

espero que esto sea ti, tiet... si no hay alguien estrano en el blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!