Well this weekend as part of my 'spruce up the garden' activity I put together this nice little bit of garden furniture and as you can see Pads made the most of a comfy growbag and patch of sunlight!
Unfortunately for her this has now been planted up with oregano, garlic, bell peppers, courgettes, sage, thyme, mint, tomatoes...
Como parte de mi actividad este fin de semana construi esto para crecer vegetales y hierbas. Pero Pads lo vi como oportunidad para un descanso oportuno!
Cuando un gato come pimientos picantes se le ponen los ojos colorados como tomates y corren arriba y abajo como alma que lleva el diablo....pero al dia siguiente comen más pimientos y al otro, y otro.....Ya tenemos un nuevo gato adicto al pimiento y si es de Padrón, ni te cuento.
Pads! a comer !
You cruel women! She looks so comfy...she got there first, and then you go turn her new sun lounger into a veggie patch! I hope you wake up tomorrow to find she's turned your bed into a kitty litter tray! hehe :)
She didn't turn my bed into a kitty litter tray but she did crap on the floor! Fortunately it was Alex's turn tee hee..!
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