It's my birthday! I have had loads of texts and cards and presents. Thank you everyone! Yesterday we mooched around the house and did some diy, a typical saturday really, then in the evening we drove to Stone in the Staffordshire countryside to celebrate the wedding of one of Alex's work mates. It was a great do and I had a dance and a chat with people before heading off at midnight. Because I was driving I didn't want to leave any later, but it was still great fun.
Here's a picture of the place... very grand!

Also I wanted to attach a picture of the rapidly growing Emma, Nathan and Laura's little girl. She's growing teeth, crawling, laughing and generally learning things so quickly I can't chart them all on the blog. But here she is looking fabulous!

For my birthday Alex bought me a gorgeous watch and took me out for a meal in my favourite restaurant, San Carlo's on Temple St, Birmingham. The waiters are all Italian and very friendly, they shook Alex's hand on the way out and shout at each other in Italian... it's great! I had a mozzarella salad followed by tagliatele with monkfish and oysters in a creamy tomato sauce. Yum! Alex had spinach caneloni followed by one
enormous grilled sea bass.
Then we dragged ourselves around only the one shop before rather pathetically returning home. Alex is asleep already and I reckon after typing this up I'll head off for a nap too! Aah, bless, look at them both!

By the way, I managed to let the cat slip out this morning when we were just about to go into town and it took us 45 minutes to get her inside again! We tried distracting her, bribing her, chasing her, bossing her about, guilt-tripping her, cajoling her, begging her and ignoring her. Finally Alex caught her and it was game over! What a nightmare!
Hoy es mi cumpleanos, me han envado paquetes, mensajes de text, targetas, llamadas y emails, gracias a todos! Lo he pasado muy bien. Ayer fuimos a una boda en el campo y lo pasamos bailando y charlando. Y hoy fuimos de compras y terminamos con una comida espectacular en San Carlos, en el centro de Birmingham. mmmm, que bueno! Y ahora me voy a descansar un poco, como ves Alex ya esta relajado! (Me va a matar cuando vea este foto!!! he he he)
¡Feliz cumpleañooooooos! Ayer estuve pensando todo el día en ti, jejejejee... Phoned you, but couldn't reach you, so instead i said a "ahhpy birthday" in our blog, Puente Aereo, hehehehee...
Glad to hear you had a lovely day... and a nap! :)))))
Love you loads, old girl,
Okay, if checked and it seems had a problem yesterday, so my comment was lost forever in cyber-space, so here it goes again:
¡Feliz cumpleaños!! I thought about you all day long, and tried to phone you but couldn't reach you (what a surprise! ^_^), so instead i put a comment in my blog
Anyway, i hope you had a great day, great meal and a great.. nap!
Love you
Lau and Luis
Hey! My first comment wasn't there when i was writing the second comment (and i check blogger and it was normal, apparently, due to a problem in the service), but then when i published my second comment it suddenly appeared!
Oh well, i could delete it, but it's funnier that way... ^_^
Love you lots!
that's so funny! Ah technology! What a wonderful thing! Thank you for your 3 birthday messages, now I feel reaaaaly special, especially now I'm an 'old girl'! This weekend there are about 20 of us going for a knees up at a tapas bar in Moseley, I'm getting quiete excited - and they're going to create a cocktail and name it after me!!! Such fun! xxxx
I want to go tooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
Love you!!!!
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