Hannah Sarah Susie and Emily and I shared the flat in Griffin in the first year of university. We got on well all year round, despite living in close quarters so I decided we'd got on as well as could be expected of 5 people and got a house with 2 other girls in the secoond year. As it happened Sarah Susie Hannah and Emily were one of the few houses of girls that I knew from uni that are still good friends, since many seem to have suffered from tantrums, falling for each others' boyfriends and general house sharing gripes.
Ever since the day I left Griffin I wish I'd stayed with them, but it probably worked out best for them at it would have meant them finding a bigger house and a new flatmate for my third and their final year, while I was in Spain for my year abroad.
Anyway they are lovely girls and I'm chuffed to bits we all stay in touch. Sarah'd moved from her parents house in London to a new life in Oxford with boyfriend John and it was great to see her house and go out in Oxford. We drank mulled wine and visited a few really nice old pubs in the centre before moving on to a converted church that is a nightclub. They played good music, mostly sixties stuff and it was the first time for ages I'd had a dance! Me and Hannah even had to ask the dj what music he was playing when he played some young whippersnapper band. Apparently it was The Killers. How embarrassing! A good time was had by all, even though I was in pain from my new shoes - thanks for the offer of a piggy back Susie!

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