Ha sido un navidad muy estresante pero muy feliz. despues de meses trabajando en terminar la cocina y la extension tenemos, finalmente, un comedor! Era la manana de Navidad cuando Alex lo termino, poniendo persianas al ultimo momento.
We were very excited because this meant that our invited guests had somewhere to sit!
On Christmas Eve I met up with Lisa Danielle and Eve, some of my loveliest friends, for dinner at Old Orleans in Coventry. It was great to catch up with them, all of us had lots to tell! Then I scooted back down the motorway for Christmas eve service at midnight, after which me and Jess kissed the Reverend ("Anything to embarass the vicar" - he blushed!) and got home for 1am. I made the custard for the trifle then me and Alex went to bed and all too soon it was morning and time to start cooking!
Noche buena por la tarde estuve con mis amigas de muchos anos Eve Lisa y Danielle en un restaurante al centro de Coventry. Fue una noche muy agradable de cotilleo y noticias, y me encanto estar todos juntos - aunque Coventry esta cerca a Birmingham Y Solihull donde trabajo aun mas cerca no nos hemos visto lo suficiente este ano... asi es la vida, no?

We had ordered a MASSIVE goose from Stan the butcher in Kings Heath - he was great and gave me endless tips on goose fat and cooking the goose - and me and Al cooked up a bit of a feat even if I do say so myself. Alex's parents Fran and Les and his 92 year old gran Dos arrived at 11.30 and my parents about an hour later and we began opening presents and drinking wine. It was good fun and very Christmassy.
Habiamos pedido hace un mes una oca ENORME - tan enorme que en llevarlo a casa hizo dano a mi espalda! El carnicero fue estupendo dando sugerencias de como cocerlo y tal, gracias Stan! Los padres de Alex y su abuela de 92 anos Dos llegaron y una hora mas tarde llegaron mis padres, y con esto empezamos a abrir los regalos al lado del arbol, fue muy 'Christmassy'!
Here are some pics from the Christmas 'do' - enjoy!
Aqui hay algunas

1 comment:
Yes indeed, very Christmassy!We all enjoyed each other's company,food and drinks.Stan the butcher served you well not to mention the cooks!You both, Gemma and Alex worked so hard to have it all ready for us parents. Thank you!!Enjoy your rest and enter the New Year with your feet up!
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