Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Tango in the Aisles

Caught up with my friend Emily from University and had a good old chat last night. Turns out the motivated ms bridges has made a film to submit into the Sadlers Wells Global Dance Contest, the idea of which is to turn the winning film I believe into a dance on stage. Firstly, bloody marvellous Em for coming up with the idea and actually doing it. Conceiving of a plan is something I'm great at, carrying it out... not always so hot. Secondly, a big thumbs up for motivating all those people and being the generally creative, fun marvellous person you are. Ladies and gentleman, ahem (dramatic pause), I leave you with... 'Tango in the Aisles'

1 comment:

Don't Feed The Pixies said...

You see - this is why i need a bigger budget and access to a hollywood director every weekend: because i've been thinking for years that the movement of shopping trolleys around the supermarket is similar to a dance

Now some other bugger got there first (waves angry hand at the sky): James Cameron - where were you when i needed you?????