The next week on the sunday the family all got together for a rare family celebration. I'd been ages since I'd seen Shelagh David Graham Paul Cath and my folks all in one room - not since the wedding most likely. We went for a curry in Leamington; good choice as it turned out. Although historically my parents don't tend to choose indian food everyone seemed to enjoy what they had chosen and we all got to catch up. It was to say happy birthday, happy anniversary, happy engagement; happy everything and it was fun!
In those weeks in May and June we actually saw some great summery weather, so among other things we did a fair bit of gardening and pottering. In and amongst working and engagements there is nothing me and al like so much as a potter. The garden's loads tidyer and with the sun things have actually grown. We've finally acquired some strawberry plants from Laura's mum; I've dreamed of growing berries for years and I'm pretty happy to finally have some. Hopefully they'll get nice and tall and we'll have plenty of strawberries to pick in a year's time. This year they're only small but we've still got a few berries reddening. yey!The week after we all met for a curry the theatre group I joined in January, the Billesley Players, was getting ready for its production of Nude with Violine. The 2 performances were less than a week away so every night that week I went straight from work to the Old Rep to build the set and rehearse. It all went really quite well and I was dead excited and slightly nervous... The dress rehearsal was on the thursday with the performances on the following 2 days. Here's a photo I took with my mobile during an early rehearsal from the audience.

I really loved being in the theatre. Looking up and around at the lighting rigs, the scenery, sorting out the props with Sheila, watching rehearsals, practicing my lines, watching as things developed over a couple of days to doing our lines and moves in our civies to a full blown performance with lighting and sound effects and music; then finally feeling the reactions of the audience, different each night. Loved it! I took tons of photos, needless to say, backstage, in the green room, putting on make up and of the night out on the saturday, but the camera was stolen in Island bar so the only ones we have left were taken on Al's mobile phone
On the up side it's probably the nicest photo we have of Leon and Teresa though..!
Glad to hear your theater debut went so well!!!! You rock baby!
Well done!
Glad to hear that, despite all the wishes to the contrary, no prelamburary limbs were damaged and you enjoyed your show.
PS - ask the bloke in the T shirt where he got it. Mr T rocks! (joke)
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