After 3 and a half weeks the troop of men finally left and we had our house back! We'd slep in every room in the house practically except our bedroom and so the night that we got back from work and the work men had left for good we got stuck into getting the house straightened out as much as possible. We had to vaccuum each room 3 times, wipe down every surface at least twice and then dust but that night as we settled back down to life in our proper bed, in our real bedroom life seemed great! The cat had been utterly bemused for three weeks straight, if not a little snippy, so her nose was practically more pink than I've ever seen it and she purred through the night. She even didn't bite either of us for at least 24 hours! We'd had the whole house rewired, new plug sockets, light fittings and switches put in, laminate floors pulled up and the bathroom done but now begins the work we don't get any help with; the wallpapering.
Everything ended up everywhere
And it's begun! The last 2 weekends we have sandpapered, painted, sealed, sized, pasted and hung and we have finished 2 panels. Out of 40 metres square we have probably completed 4.5 but hey it's a start! Here are the pics of the beautiful bathroom.
Good luck with wall paper!
That came and went in the time they said they would??
Are you sure they were human??
Did they skip the three weeks training on how to maximise display of butt-cleavage, whistle through their teeth and say "Well, it'll cost ya"?
Everyone i know that's had work done this year has ended up waiting nearly 12 months for finishing!! You should kidnap them and lock them under the stairs in case you need them again!
Hi there! I can't see much of the bathroom, the tiles and basin look fine.
Looking forward to seeing it in person!!
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