We spent 5 days in Madrid with our lovely cousins Laura and Luis for a much deserved holiday and it was superb. As usual, it now feels like about a year ago and we've been back so little! But anyway that's another story..!
I'm adding some photos here but a fuller gallery of us with Laura and Luis can be found at:
And of course Alex went crazy with the camera for Madrid's architecture so here that all is:
We went to el Parque del Buen Retiro for the afternoon: Madrid's answer to Central Park in New York. It was really beautiful and relaxing. The sun was out, we got lunch in el Retiro, gorgeous fresh salad and spanish meats and tortilla and just drank in the fact we were on holiday. Just what was needed! Then we walked back home along the Paseo del Pardo and back to Plaza del Sol and took a siesta. That day we all went for a drink in Plaza del Angel (or was it the one next to it? Anyway it is a big plaza surrounded by bars on which there are a selection of terrazas). Laura and Luis showed us the royal palace and cathedral before and after a refreshment break in Angel we went for food in a great little Spanish bar where we had even more spanish meats, breads and potatoes setting a standard of lovely good food that would continue throughout the holiday. Thanks to Luis and Laura's knowledge of their many and varied local eating establishments we tried the gastronomic delights at Argentinian and Italian restaurants, and many spanish bars. In short we continued the great spanish tradition of feeling cultural by eating our way around a city; fab!

And of course Alex went crazy with the camera for Madrid's architecture so here that all is:
Here's a bit of a description of what we did anyway, and if you can't be bothered to read it here's the summary: Madrid's great, well worth a visit, and we had a lovely time!
On the first morning we went to see Lourdes, my very good friend from Sevilla who now lives in Guadalajara with her husband and it was very exciting because we hadn't seen each other since her year abroad in Galway, Ireland in 2003 (I think that's right). Our lives had both changed enormously since then, hers more so because not only had she met and married Christian and moved to Madrid but they were in Madrid because they were in hospital having their first baby!!! And me and Alex got to meet baby Edu practically before anyone else! Unfortunately we didn't get photos on the day but it was absolutely brilliant to see her.
We went to el Parque del Buen Retiro for the afternoon: Madrid's answer to Central Park in New York. It was really beautiful and relaxing. The sun was out, we got lunch in el Retiro, gorgeous fresh salad and spanish meats and tortilla and just drank in the fact we were on holiday. Just what was needed! Then we walked back home along the Paseo del Pardo and back to Plaza del Sol and took a siesta. That day we all went for a drink in Plaza del Angel (or was it the one next to it? Anyway it is a big plaza surrounded by bars on which there are a selection of terrazas). Laura and Luis showed us the royal palace and cathedral before and after a refreshment break in Angel we went for food in a great little Spanish bar where we had even more spanish meats, breads and potatoes setting a standard of lovely good food that would continue throughout the holiday. Thanks to Luis and Laura's knowledge of their many and varied local eating establishments we tried the gastronomic delights at Argentinian and Italian restaurants, and many spanish bars. In short we continued the great spanish tradition of feeling cultural by eating our way around a city; fab!

Next day we went to Museo Thyssen (its proper name is El Museo de arte Thyssen-Bornemisza) and spent hours wandering around. Unfortunately neither of us think much of Miro, which was the extra exhibition and the modernist stuff which would undoubtedly have been the most exciting part was under wraps. But it was still a really good collection and much easier to get around that the Met in New York was!

On our last night we sat in Plaza Mayor contemplating how lovely our holiday was and dreaming about what we'd do the next time we could afford time of... in 2009! And to top it off, with Laura and Luis at home half killed by looking after us, we had a few glasses of that good old tourist staple: sangria! Thank you Lau and Luis - hope you found the cake when you got home that day? xx
The saturday and sunday we got to spend with Laura and Luis. We went for churros con chocolate (mmmmmm yum) then Lau and Luis gave us their tour, showing us an Egyptian temple, The Temple of Debod which was salvaged before the flooding caused by the Aswan Damn and given by Egypt to Spain in gratitude for their help (nice to see something like that that isn't there because it was pilfered or ravaged...). They also walked us around a fair bit and we sat down for a drink and enjoyed a chat before heading home for the last siesta of the holiday. That night we went out to see the festival called La Noche En Blanco (The White Night). I'd been looking forward to it quite a bit, and no one more so than Laura and Luis who were looking forward to catching the various artistic and cultural sights on camera. But actually it was a bit disappointing. The Spanish are a lot more patient that people give them credit for, despite being known for being quite vocal. There were millions on the avenida waiting for a tight rope walker to cross - we waited for over an hour - then this announcer said that it was too windy! We all shouted and booed but really, bearing in mind there could have been rioting, it was all quite civilised!
Moments from La Noche En Blanco
On the sunday we took the fast train, the Ave, to Segovia; famous for its Roman aqueduct. The 90km journey took 30 minutes and we had more leg room on that train than flying to America in April! The new station then had a rapid bus service and in no time at all we were in Segovia. I'll let the pictures do the talking; it was too beautiful to describe. Then we also eat there, we had a baby pig at the restaurant where the king eats at and it was the most marvellous food, I've never eaten pork like that before! Yum.
On our last night we sat in Plaza Mayor contemplating how lovely our holiday was and dreaming about what we'd do the next time we could afford time of... in 2009! And to top it off, with Laura and Luis at home half killed by looking after us, we had a few glasses of that good old tourist staple: sangria! Thank you Lau and Luis - hope you found the cake when you got home that day? xx
I guess the holiday was to recover from the trip to New York?
Round here we consider it a holiday when the boss stops hitting us for 10 minutes (and when the Potatoes take a break from singing to clean their teeth)
Museums, park walks, bars, good food, yes! that sounds like Madrid and to top it all you had nearly two "madrileƱos" to lead you. Wonderful!
You all look lovely on the photos.
I should add that the photo of the wall receding into the distance with its arcs is fantastic. Nice shot :)
Well thanks DFTP, me and Al aren't sure which of us took the shot, but I reckon it was probably Alex as he has a very good eye. Obviously, he picked me after all ;)
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