It was a fab weekend the last week; not only was it a bank holiday but it was packed full of fun. My legs still aren't quite right after the huge amount of standing up and walking we did! We went to Sarah and John's in Oxford to celebrate their getting engaged and moving back to London before we drove over to Will and Jen's in London ourselves. Will and Dave were our ushers and Dave was there too. Will had cooked and we enjoyed a very yummy meal before we headed out to the pub and while we were in London we'd contacted James and he and Zoe came out to meet us, such a nice coincidence to all be in the same place at once. A bit rubbishly I didn't get any photos of the night.
The next day was the big event and what we were in London for: Get Loaded In the Park festival. We were in Clapham Common with 1000's of other fun seeking people, including Will and Jen's lovely friends. Best bits: Beardyman, The Hive and Iggy Pop. Here are the photos!
Does the fact that i have never heard of Beardyman prove that i am now, finally, past it? Or does the fact that i would never entertain the idea of driving all the way to London to spend hours in a field at great expense mean the same thing? (price of fuel somewhere in the region of the tickets!)
Do you know somewhere in the region of 20,000 tents were left behind after Reading? They should give them all to Ranulf Feinnes or something
Clearly i am going wrong in life as i am still making the mistake of not finding lots of nice people to feed me all the time!
PS - who even knew that Iggy Pop was still going??
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