He terminado el trabajo, bueno solamente para 4 dias, pero aun sigo estando muy feliz! Estamos casi en navidad!
This has been a crazy week. There was a sudden rush in the sales office at the beginning of the week. Karen sent me to work for one day in the Sales department. They looked at me like I was an alien at first. I'd been quite nervous about going and working on the phones but when the Sales manager was reluctant to let me have a go I felt myself wanting to do it! I hadn't worked on the phones since those awful 3 months at Seven Trent, but after a shaky start getting the technology going ok I had a really good take, taking calls and sales and wishing all our customers a merry christmas!
La semana ha pasado muy rapidamente, ya que estabamos todos muy ocupados. Preparando para navidad y ayudando a la gente que automaticamente sienten la necesisdad de comprar por telefono urgentemente.
That day I had college so I went to my class, which like everything else this week seemed to mean eating... There was party food and mince pies in between learning about osteoporosis. Even so we were all glad to be let out early! I headed off to Ben and Cat's new home, a rented victorian house close to Edgbaston Cricket Ground (Ben's spiritual home!). The had the BIGGEST Chrsitmas tree I've ever seen, and eggnog, and mince pies, and trifle, and it is a gorgeous home! In fact it is exactly like you'd imagine Christmas to be in the movies, the tree was the icing on the cake!
Alex had gone out for a work do that night so I headed home at about 11pm. It was lovely to see Ben and Cat, and great to see their new home. They are planning to get a cat in February - we might give them ours if she carries on scratching the wallpaper - only joking!
This week the weather has been very wintry. My car door froze this morning and I had to unlock it from the passenger side! The lake was freezing over too, as you can see in the picture. Poor Linda finished work yesterday to fly to her family home in Belfast. I just got a text message from her. The fog meant she didn't get home until 4am - 9 hours after she was due to set off on an hour's flight. It's been travel chaos for many this Christmas time. One of our consultants called Alex was supposed to go home to Italy and I hear he never made it. I'm just glad we only have to make it as far as Coventry!
El tiempo ha sido muy frio, nublado y helado; autentico invierno! Aunque no me ha afectada mucho hay gente como mi amiga Linda quien sufrio mucho cundo trato de volar a su familia en el norte de Irlanda, llego 7 horas tarde!
Plus we'd dragged the yukka plant or whatever it is out of Karen's office and "decorated" it. I can see why Christmas trees never caught on in Fiji..!
El trabajo me reconocio con un premio hoy, senti muy orgullosa y felic al recibirlo. Es algo que premian cada mes, y tenia esperanzas pero no sabia que seria yo este mes.
I remember working hard for that sort of thing at Bright and it never worked out because I just got worse not better and got dispirited, and it was just very saddening every month. But here it has actually paid off! Plus I got a certificate! Yey!
It just remains for me to say, from me Alex and Pads, Happy Christmas to one and all!
Solo hay que decir, de yo Alex y Pads, Feliz Navidad a todos!
1 comment:
Well, congratulations, employee!!!! :)))
And more importantly, Merry Christmas honey.
Un besazo
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