Despite the fact that the lead male singer loved himself a bit, he did sounds absolutely great. And the girl singer was amazing! It was the first time I'd gone out and danced for ages, I met all of Laura's work mates, and they were loads of fun. Some people had really made an effort to get into the 80's feel, and there was a real party feel cause it was three people's birthday. Actually one bloke got a bit too much into the party mood.... we heard all these screams coming from the dance floor and when I looked there was drunk man without a shirt on, next thing we knew he was taking off his trousers! He was stood there in his briefs!!! Not pretty! yuk...
Ayer noche fui a un hotel donde trabaja mi amiga. Hacian una noche de musica de los 80. Fue estupendo, y baile un monton - algo que no he hecho en meses. Bueno, esto me parece. Nos dieron una comida, depues habia una banda y un dj. Lo unico malo (y muy de risa) fue cuando un hombre borracho empezo a sacar su ropa, solo se oia gritos!
Anyhoo, this morning was the Kings Norton
Craft Fair. As press officer I was in attendance of course.
It was really good. We had 34 stands selling anything and everything hand-made, crafts, paintings, tapestries, glass, jewellery... it was great! We had over 500 visitors and all the money made goes towards the Restoration of the Saracen's Head and Old Grammar School. And it was all in the beautiful church - the church where I'm going to get married!!! So excited!

It was really good. We had 34 stands selling anything and everything hand-made, crafts, paintings, tapestries, glass, jewellery... it was great! We had over 500 visitors and all the money made goes towards the Restoration of the Saracen's Head and Old Grammar School. And it was all in the beautiful church - the church where I'm going to get married!!! So excited!
Esta manana tuvimos una feria en la iglesia, otra vez estabamos tratando de hacer mas dinero para la Restauracion de los edificios que estamos protegiendo en Kings Norton. Datan del siglo 14 y 15, mas o menos. Pues habia 34 exhibitores y fue un gran exito: hubo mas de 500 visitores! Por si acaso quieres ver mis narrativas oficiales estan puestos ahora en la pagina web, solo hay que apretar el vincula arriba - claro esta todo en ingles!
Me and Alex made the most of having our camera back and captured Pads- doesn't she look lovely?
Ahora que tenemos nuestro camera otra vez hemos sacado estas fotos de Pads. Me parece que ha crecido, es mas un adulto ahora que una nina - no es adorable?
Finally, I regularly get updates from the Lib Dems and they had this rather scary picture on their website. Is that a scary sight or what?
The Lib Dems are proposing a green tax to deal with the climate chaos that is a reality. If you want to sign their petition you can, follow the link:
Finalmente, vi este imagen en la pagina web del partido de los Liberal Democrats. Demuestra un futuro que me da miedo. Anado acqui un vinculo por si quieres ver los detalles de un planeado tax que proponen el partido, y si quieres dar tu apoyo puedes poner tus detalles.
Climate Chaos is a reality... it's november 12 and here we are in Spain, almost in our t-shirts and summer clothes... amazing!
Haven't eaten chestnuts yet (roasted chestnuts are a tradition here, for Halloween and november), it's too bloody hot to eat chestnuts!!!!!
It's scary what we're doing to our planet... it's going mad and i don't blame it, our fault entirely.
Don't think taxes help, tho. At the end, it's the usual people struggling and paying... not the people who are really really killing the planet! But i guess we need to start somewhere, do something...
it's a valid point, but certainly certain industries need supporting, certain industries need restraining and consumers can't be relied upon to do the right thing and direct it all accordingly; after all I'm usually just looking for value for money and occasionally I do the right thing and make the choice based on energy efficiency etc. Legislation in big white goods has worked well over here, every fridge is marked with an energy rating - not sure if that's an EU thing or just the UK.
But we have to do something, more than something...
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