I should catch up. Have been so busy that the blog has suffered so sorry. (Not sorry to 'memyselfandI' who I am sure won't have missed any entries, but completely love 'anonymous' for defending the blog so valiently! Thanks anon!)

Anyhoo, Just before the big party my employer BioCare organised a fun summer party for everyone and we all turned up to brave the dodgy weather and dress up like plonkers! The theme was a beach party, so what better than to dress all-hawaian?! Oh the fun! We got into 3 groups and played silly games. I was in the Hula Honey's, which won best dressed team (not much competition, mind!) and we came second overall. We played a game of treasure hunt - at which we were atrocious! Then we had a go at rounders - I hit a ball! Finally we had a go at team games which was hilarious.
Pues os debo mas explicaciones de mi vida, solo que he estado tan ocupada que ha sido dificil encontrar el tiempo. Hace un par de semanas que BioCare organizo una fiesta para sus empleados para celebrar el verano. Nos disfrazamos como hawaianos locos y jugamos como ninos. Hubo una barbacoa y bebidas y al final juzgaron que mi equipo 'las hulas chulas' gano el premio de ser mejor disfrazado y tambien ganamos premio de segunda posicion. Y pensando que ganaron el equipo del jefe James con 2 puntos mas que nosotros no hicimos mal! El estuvo en las fuerzas armadas que quizas les dio una ventaja en el primer desafio, llamado tesoro escondido...!
I confess - it was me leaving sarky comments to memyselfandi. What can I say - I just couldn't resist it!!! Te he he :-)
Btw, Gem, saw the other day you had some spam in one of your comments. If you want to get rid of spam, u could always use the "write-the-letters" thingy (very technical description of mine, see?! ^_^)available in blogger.
write the letters? See this is where I lose the whole thing, far too technical! But thank you for the pointer I'll have a look around to see if I can find something to do the job. I hate spammers!!! See, I do reply to comments!! xxx mua Gem x
Hey Susie! That was funny! All I can think though is you're obviously not busy enough..! Ha ha! Good stuff anyway! I'm glad you're keeping yourself amused, if nutty, see you soon! ;)
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