Well, I had a very lovely week off and full made the most of it. Being a lady of leisure was fun, but I was really looking forward to the new job so I tried to keep busy to keep my mind off from worrying about what the new place would be like. Poor Alex worked every day, he had to work both sundays of the last 2 weeks and even the bank holiday monday, but I played the role of good wifey and looked after him properly! Now it's my week at work and he's got a few days off so the roles are reversed!
On the last Saturday it was a beautiful day. We had Laura and Nathan over with Emma, Alex and Nathan watched the England football game while me and Laura and Emma sat in the garden all day and waited for the barbeque to begin! Emma played on her rug, refusing to move off it because she didn't like the feel of the freshly mowed lawn! Bless her.
The last 2 weeks have been extremely changeable weather, but for the first time in ages there wasn't a drop of rain and it couldn't have been better timed. The boys came downstairs from the England Jamaica football game, which finished 6-0, so they were in pretty high spirits. Then we started the barbecue which wasn't a minute too soon as it was 4pm and all we'd had was 2 slices of toast!
I walked to Spar to pick up pudding, and we were all very satisfied with the day. Then Alex couldn't keep his eyes open and Laura's hang-over from the night before kicked in properly and we called it a day... at 7pm! It was very peculiar. Alex went to bed and I was full of energy, so I attached the gardening, replanting herbs in the border, pruning, weeding, and moving plants about from where they were too cramped. I was gardening away quite happily until 10pm when I ran out of jobs to do and the light was fading. Then I just stood there, feeling very proud of myself, drinking in the quietness, until it was too cold to stay outside any longer.
Next morning, still rather pleased with my results I took photos... see next post!
Then I caught up with parents, Spanish friends who I haven't seen in years Margarita, Natasha and her sons, and my best buddies Lisa and Danielle during a visit to Coventry which was lovely. Lisa bought a house in March and finally moved in after her dad did all the diy, John is a great man to have on-side! It's a perfectly lisa house, with a minimalist garden and a purle theme running through the house and a purple chandelier in the bedroom!!! The gerbil seemed very at home and she seemed like a content woman, I couldn't have been more chuffed for her!
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
Another misterious anonymous...but I agree it's a wonderful site
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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