Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I've been at BioCare for 2 days so it's time for an update. IT'S LOVELY!

My manager is Karen, then there's Linda and Wayne and another guy just joined today. We're the marketing and design bunch. In the office next door are the new business and export ladies. Nikki does new business and both she and Linda speak Spanish, so we chat away in Spanish for fun which is lovely! And it turns out that my manager's hubby is a PE examiner for OCR, which means at some point he'll meet Alex, small world hey?

Next room along the corridor is the MD James, who seems lovely, very hands on and respectful. We sit next to a lake where herons nest and he bought a plastic heron to keep the birds from attacking each other's territory! Every so often he nips down to the lake to move the plastic heron to a new lakeside location, he is a real Bill Oddy!

Next along the corridor is Sarah, the HR manager, who is lovely. Her name is Sarah Bannister, and I thought it was odd that her surname is the same as my godfather's (Bob) as it is such a rare name. But Rachel at church is also called Bannister so maybe Kings Norton is the centre of an ancient Bannister tribe!!! Note to self, ask Bob in case he has Kings Norton relatives...

And further along the corridor are offices for technical, sales teamc, other management people and then downstairs is the despatch, where the boys sing along to the radio as they package up the goods ready for postage. It used to be a transport museum, and before that it was a victorian factory I think, but anyway it's like a rabbit warren. I know my route in and out and I don't deviate from the route otherwise I might never be seen again!

I can't describe how different it is working in-house to for an agency. It's exciting because they are growing like crazy and the marketing had been pretty reactive instead of planned, now we're getting to do anything and everything. I come up with an idea and hey presto I get to go and do it. Time frames are different too. With agencies clients take ages to approve anything, here though Karen says we need a poster and later that day it's printed and up on display. We have loads of machines, big poster machines and printers, labelling machines, and a post machine that's bigger than our hallway, no joke! It makes our old marketing department at the NEC look really small.

But the best bit of all is the geese! In the mornings I walk in and walk past the mummy and daddy geese with their gosling babies, all fluffy and diddy! Bleeeeess! What cuties! I'm going to take photos tomorrow..!

Buuuf, no puedo traducir todo esto, perdoname! A ver, hoy fue mi segunda dia con la compania BioCare, mi nuevo empleo. En fin, ha sido genial! Claro no es perfecto, ninguna sitio es perfecto, pero me encanta. Esta situada al lado de un lago enorme, donde viven pajaros, y tenemos una vista de ello todo el dia. Antes estaba en el centro de una ciudad; que diferencia! La gente parece muy relajado y las horas de trabajo me parecen estupendo! Antes trabajaba de las 9 a las 5.30 pero si dejaste entonces te sentias como mala persona. Ahorra toda mi compania se va a las 5, y con solamente una caminada de 20 minutos en vez de conducir para una hora o mas, estoy en el cielo! Te lo ire contando, pero de momento no puedo creer mi buena suerte!


Anonymous said...

Your MD and the plastic heron plus lake, ducks, gueese ah! and of course job! it really sounds soooooo good! I am so happy for you!

Luis said...

It looks great! I'm glad to see you are having fun in your new job... well done!


Anonymous said...

Hi Gemma, I'm leaving a message on your bloggy thing - I'm so excited!!! Glad to see your job is going well and I'm dead impressed at how well you keep this up to date!! I'm flying off to Greece tonight for 2 weeks (woo hoo!!) but once I'm back lets catch up. Take care xxx

Anonymous said...

So glad it's going well - i know i've been crap not ringing...sorry! Sounds lovely, i love all the little guys at Warwick - geese, ducks, squirrels, MICE! I feel like Snow White when i walk to work in the morning!! But with the flood we had today i hope they haven't all washed away! GASP! haha Talk soon xxxx