Well we met in 1998, we started going out in summer 1999, we bought a house December 2004, got engaged in 2005 and now, finally, (drumroll please) we're starting to make plans to get married!!!
We're happy anyway!
Nos conocimos en 1998, fuimos novios en 1999, compramos una casa en Diciembre 2004, y finalmente... vamos a hacer planes para casarnos!!!! que felicidad!
My invite will be in the post then? Excellent.
Congrats! We already talked about that on the phone, but i wanted to post a comment anyway.
Congratulations, really... 2007? Don't tell me it's going to be 2008, pleaaaaaaaaase! Hehehehehe.
Yes darling happiness all round! Sabes el dicho espaƱol"Las cosas de palacio van despacio"but don't over do it!
No, it is noy really a SURPRISE, except that it is sooner than we might have been induced to believe!
Love Tad.
Tad - ha ha fooled you then didn't I, I like to keep you guessing don't I?
Lau - thankyou honey... no chance of 2007; I'm giving you time to pick a reaaaaaly good hat!
mum - how can you overdo happiness, life is great at the moment, you just focus on getting me that address book!
anonymous - can't send an invite if I don't know who you are, can I? ha ha!
¿A haaaaaaaaaaat? I don't see myself in a hat, actually, but hey, it's a British wedding, so i might go and talk to your Queen for advice, hehehehe...
Hola cuca,Let's make it clear. I didn't mean overdoing it in happiness, chump!I meant taking it t o o s l o w l y !
Congrats Gemma and Alex!!!I'm very happy for both. You only lacked that. You will count more details. Kisses,
P.D: Excuse my english!!
Congrats! Thought I'd post congratulations as proof I have found your famous 'Bloggy thingy!'. Now our cunning plan can start to develop... Nout like an excuse for a party! But do I have to wear a hat?!!!
Bout time you two!!
Danielle xx
I thought it would be the ideal spot to wish you and Alex, Luis and Laura and all the couples of your circle of friends
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to you all!!!!!!!!!!!
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