It's a tragedy, our computer is bust and I'm all a-fluster in case we've lost everything. It doesn't even switch on properly so I can't save things and have we backed things up? Like hell have we..!
So fingers crossed all of you and hopefully I'll have it back in a week or so.
On the plus side I left for work this morning and it was slightly light - I only had to put my dimmed lights on as I drove instead of the full beam ones. So we may be heading towards spring - oh I know it's months away but there's a glimmer of hope at least!
Oh dear, bye bye pictures, bye bye documents, bye bye everthing!
My computer went crazy a year ago and i lost everything. I learnt then to at least copy the most important things (photos of the honeymoon, etc), but the rest was lost forever... hope that doesnt happen to you!
oh god don't say that. I just wanted to cry when alex told me. all our photos... at least there's the blog otherwise it'd all be gone. sob.
Remember this: You should buy a rewritable cd or an external hard-drive (not too expensive and really good to save up things) and save photos and important stuff both to the computer and the external hard drive. It's not a pain once you get used to it and it really saves your ass when things like this happen.
Hope you can get the stuff back, tho.
So, what happened? Did you recover your stuff? I hope everything's fine...
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