It's official!|We went to the Women's hospital for our scan and it's a boy! We told the folks as soon as we got home and were in a daze for a few days. It's a strange thing I've felt increasingly conscious of him minute by minute since knowing he's a boy. The knowledge that bean is a little boy, not just an impending baby Harris, has made him seem more real than ever. And in response he's been making his presence felt; kicking and wriggling increasingly regularly. We're very excited!
Estamos muy felices al poder anunciar que Bean es un niño - el hecho de saberlo nos hace su presencia aun mas real. Aquí tienes el scan del hospital que enseña que crece bien y que esta sano y salvo. Estamos muy felices, claro. Y el nos ha dicho hola varios veces, dando patadas cada dia cada vez mas fuertes.
Boy bean |
We've been readying the house for his arrival doing lots of odd jobs and organising, tidying and sorting. Now the guest room is almost ready - we're just awaiting the delivery of a bed - and thanks to Ale and his dad's hard work the room is gorgeous. We're now able to sort out the box room and do the car boot sale we've been promising to do for months. In addition Alex has worked really hard on the garden. He's out there mowing the lawn as we speak but he's also planted potatoes, onions, spring onions, tomatoes, herbs.. I lose count to be honest. And we harvested our first strawberry yesterday - it was huge and sweet and juicy and delicious! We're waiiting for the raspberries to ripen now and for the potato plants to flower. The garden is an abundance of bushy greens.
Sanding the room |
Building extra planters |
Guest room mid diy |
Today is the last episode of Doctor Who - it promises to be a good-un, and then we're going to Nath and Laura's to chill out. I think Al and Nath are planning to watch some football - can't remember what game. We watched the Barcelona Man U game from Dawn and Ash's wedding reception last week and were the only Barna fans in the room - so chuffed to see them win.
On the subject of weddings we've been to three weddings in the last three weeks and we enjoyed them all; an eveningreception, a daytime civic ceremony and an afternoon and evening church and village hall affair. They were all so uniquely creative and each day was so particular to the bride and groom. Carl and Catherine's was a star Wars themed wedding and a real hoot. Plus bride and groom managed somehow to look immaculate throughout, even at 12 o'clock at night. The family wedding was very touching, with groom and bride both contributing to the style of the day - one thing I didn't know was how beautiful Coventry Registry office is. And finally after the ceremony we followed Dawn and Ash along the road behind a brass band in the sunshine to the village hall - it was spectacular. It was like a royal event in a way with some of Newton Regis' villagers coming out to wave and the couple or just to see what the hubbub was about. Absolutely amazing. The bbq and reception was exactly as relaxed as Dawn and Ash themselves, and the ozzie-brit theme was evident throughout. It was a gorgeous day. All we can say is we wish all our friends who got married this year the absolute best time together, forever. Also, Pete and Vicky, your thank you card was inspired and makes me chuckle every time I walk past it! Steven Heighway this is your cure to post a comment as promised at the bbq - especially as you make a star appearance on the card - absolutely hilarious!
Finally, it's a week before the play. Can't beliieve it! Got my lines all down (nearly). The group move into the theatre on monday and rehearsals start Tuesday night after work. It's been a long haul. I've had to catch a rest where possible, the problem being that I'm onstage nearly throughout so there's not been much opportunity. Work sent me to London on Thursday so I was out the house from 6.15am - 11pm and on the go nearly throughout. But I took Friday off to recover and I'm glad I did, I was totally utterly ruined for the day. No joke. I dozed until 9am, took 2 siestas, was knackered after standing for 5 minutes and went to bed at 10, only to sleep through until almost 9 this morning. I feel great now though!