On March 20th Alex dropped me off at Mum and Dad's and we waited for her 'chauffeur', my lovely best friend Danielle, to arrive and drive us to an 'un-named location'. She discovered upon arrival that it was Ardencote Manor Hotel and Spa, in Claverdon, Warwickshire. Hilarious journey as mum tried directing Danielle - fortunately Senor Tom Tom knew the way!
When we got there a lovely lady called Nicky set about making us feel welcome. All the staff had been brieed and the spa was good as gold in not letting on to mum subtle details like prices or itinery. We were shown to a posh room to complete our health questionnaires then given a tour of the facilities. Mum didn't stop smiling and I couldn't help but feel it was going rather well!
We swam in the pool, used the sauna then I walked mum to the next bit of her surprise, a massage. It was all very luxurious and even me, constantly planning and thinking ahead, couldn't help but feel relatively relaxed. When mum came out of the massage in her bathrobe she looked like she'd been to heaven, bless her! I led her back downstairs from the elegant manicure room towards the pool but instead we went to the outdoor hot tub. Divine is the word. As Nicky walked past the window giving another client a tour she signalled 'five minutes' to me so I knew we were on schedule. A few minutes later she arrived with a chilled champagne bucket. And because she approached from behind mum she really didn't suspect a thing until she was literally handed a glass! Sat there in the fresh air, the clouds slowly parted and we enjoyed a glass of champagne sat in the warm water and got a taste of how the other half live!
It was a really nice morning, full of surprises but also quite relaxing and a chance to catch up properly which was nice. After the hot tub we got changed and walked across the site to the lunch room where we enjoyed a tasty lunch of chicken and pasta and even indulged in pudding. I say even because I knew what was coming!
I explained that that was the end of the surprises and we'd be heading back to the bar to be collected by Danielle. Then when we walked in 15 friends and family members were awaiting and she got another big shock! Lots of coffee and cake ensued and I left mum to be in the thick of it for the most part. Life and soul of the party, bless her.
The next week it was Alex's birthday. That man never makes a fuss so I thought he deserved a bit of a surprise for his big 30th birthday. Nathan Laura and I took him to the Hare and Hounds and told him he we'd have a curry just the 4 of us. He seemed perfectly happy with the plan... :)
Me and Laura said we were going to the toilet and capitalised on the fact that girls always take ages in the loo to pop over the road and check that everything was going ok at Sylhet Spice, the curry house we'd asked everyone to meet us at. It was all going to plan. Alex walked like a lamb into the curry house without the slightest suspicion! There were 18 of us in the end. Milly and Rob made it over from Bristol, bless them. Alex was blown away and we all had a lovely night. After the curry we went to the pub and back to ours for a chin wag, a drink and finally a bit of Guitar Hero for the last people standing; Nath Al, me and Phil.
Much fun was had!