I'm sorry guys, for not updating the blog before now! I've just been having too much fun! Work's been very busy, Alex has been working 12 hour days and hasn't had any time off so we've really needed our weekends...
Last saturday we began
Operation Leave Pads by debriefing our deputy, who was Alex's mum! She had obligingly agreed to visit Pads while we were away, in the end visiting her 3 times for fun food and fuss time. Thank you Fran! Then we packed our bags and drove to Bristol to meet up with Milly and Rob.
Milly met Alex through Nathan while they were at college, but that was 7 years ago so me and Milly and Rob and Alex all know each other pretty well even though we only see each other three times a year sometimes. They bought a house in the St Werburgh's district of Bristol about a year ago and it was about time we went to see it!
We spend a lovely time walking thorugh Bristol, we saw the SS Great Britain, the first steam ship designed by Brunel, docked in the harbour. We walked along the river, had lunch in a nice bar, and then carried on up along the fishing quarter past all the quaint colourfully painted houses before climbing the biggest hill ever (Bristol is full of them!). After a pub stop, we carried on back to Mil and Rob's for a bbq where we also saw our friend Dave and his new girlfriend.

The following morning we went to the city farm, just a few minutes walk away and had breakfast. Maybe you can see the detail of the windows in the photo, the building was like a hobbit's house, carved beautifully from wood. Such an eclectic area! There is a hippy area alongside and some enormous allotments, then the city farm with this strange cafe and finally an area of council-built sustainable housing, with solar panels on every roof.
Then on Friday Milly and Rob came up to watch the cricket and I met up with them and my friend Ben who is also a cricket fan. It was Warwickshire vrs Gloucestershire in a 20twenty match. In the end Warwickshire lost unfortunately, but it was great fun, the crowd were
almost as entertaining as the play! Then me and Milly and Rob walked to Moseley for a drink with Tony, who is moving back to Manchester, before picking up a curry from our favourite curry house Sylphet in Kings Heath. We finally got home for dinner, Al had lit candles and made the place look lovely, bless him, as he'd had to miss the cricket due to work. At that point, after all the sun and the long walks, and the food, I told people "I'm going to bed for a power nap" and was not seen again until the following morning. You know how it is when your head hits the pillow and you're already asleep..?
Then yesterday me and Alex had a lovely, lazy, day before heading off to Quinton to visit Mark. It was
the football game of the year, the quarter finals of the world cup, England vrs Portugal. It was unbearable. There were probably 20 of us in agony, screaming, clutching our faces... and in the end we lost! It was so annoying! They didn't play wonderfully but they did well bearing in mind they were one man down, but in the end the penalties killed them. They clung on but when they stepped up for the penalty they looked dead in the water already. Ho hum. Four years to wait again!
Anyway, we shook off our sorrows and Mark stoked up the barbie. We eat well! Then we played garden jenga and twister - my favourite is twister. I was laughing so much I was crying! I was all twisted up and then Alison said right leg green, I knew it was all over - I toppled over like a house of cards!