OK so I haven't written since January. Last time I updated this blog we were just grateful to have survived. Since then we have moved house to Kings Heath, Josh has been christened, I have returned to work, Alex has been coping with his promotion, and life has dealt us a million mini personal trajedies and successes. I can't begin to describe how I feel. Half the time just tired is the overriding sensation but I pinch myself daily to check it's all real because, in truth, I feel so very blessed.
Josh is 11 months old. He loves a giggle. He took 6 steps yesterday, and says mama and dada in the right places (mostly). He claps when he thinks he's being clever. He fakes choking then laughs at me when I fall for it. He is a whirlwind of energy and fun. He is the best of me. He is clever, optimistic, a
bit challenging and a social, happy little boy. He has 2 best mates at nursery, and is best buddies with Ben our godson - they are just so alike I think history may be about to repeat itself with Nathan and Alex mark 2. When I look at the last post I wrote I can't believe how much our lives have changed. As well as living in a different place, embarking on projects in the house to convert the garage into a utility room and rehabilitate the (
mahusive) garden, and being at work 3 days a week in my case and 5 days for Alex the heartbeat of the home has changed because every day brings a new milestone (Oh God he can reach the telly... Oh hell he's found the playstation... Oh crikey he's not going to sit still for his nappy change ever again...) and a new dilemma. But with each dilemma comes a new reason to fall off my chair giggling or bury my head in my hands and laugh. I'm covered in laughter lines that were not there before; and yes ok they're wrinkles but I know they're from laughing not from tiredness or frustration although there's plenty of that too.
Just born |
4 weeks old approx |
The first weeks were a mystery and a whirlwind. Al and I talk about them in terms of shock and awe. The hardest thing we've ever done, together or apart. Words and pictures cannot do it justice. It's survival of the fittest. Eventually you come out from the cloud in about month 3 and start to feel human again and wonder what the hell has just happened.

6 weeks old
Thinks starting to get bearable and interesting. His face was beginning to get expressive and the bond was growing. The family unit and routine was beginning to replace our old life and feel like, or better said redefine what was, 'normal'.
16 weeks (just) |

15 weeks
Beginning to get real feedback from Josh on a day to day basis. He was over his colic and now showing signs of being a happy baby who slept through the night and loved his food. As his energy and curiosity increased his love of life did too; cue snowball effect. Weeks of not really thriving on milk and early teething led to starting on spoon feeding on baby rice and baby porridge at a very early stage. He loved food. He'd eat anything you gave him. Josh's first love affair was yoghurt - even now nothing quite matches up to it - but any puree of fruit or vegetable was a hit!
5-6 months
In between these we moved house - Josh was good as gold and remarkably un-flustered.
Christening - May 6th
Both June 2012
August 2012